To keep the club functioning effectively we need help from all of our adult members by them undertaking at least three duties each year.
These range from safety boat helm and crew on the water, Officer of the Day (OOD) and Timekeeper in the race box, or helping out in the bar.
Duties are allocated at the beginning of the sailing season and can be accessed via our scheduling system DutyMan except bar duties. You will receive an email reminder approximately 5 days before your scheduled duty and are asked to confirm your availability on the website. If you are new to the club the duties officer will send you your login & password.
For all full day duties other then bar it is helpful to be at the club by 9am please, reporting to the OOD in the race box. We aim to start the racing at their scheduled time and arriving in good time plays an important part in achieving this.
Below is the DutyMan duty scheduling system, so hopefully will reflect the latest changes. If you require to look further ahead there is a link above to dutyman. Please note that if you are looking to swap your duty you still need to do this via DutyMan and all the notifications will still come via DutyMan.
Please confirm your duty on DutyMan.. to do this you need to;-
1. Login to dutyman, you would have been sent an email at the beginning of the season with the details
2. Select ‘Confirm your duties’ (right hand menu)
3. See your duties underlined in red
4. Select the duty from the left hand menu
5. Click on the red arrow in the middle of the menu
6. Select the push button to confirm your duty
7. You will receive automatic reminder emails 14 and 5 days before your duty. If you have not confirmed the Duty Administrator will email or call you directly.
If you can’t make the duty and need to swap:
Click on request a duty swap on the right hand menu, where there are a good set of instructions. Essentially look for a member who had been scheduled for a future duty of the same type as you and click on the buttons to request a swap. This will send an email to those who you have selected and they will respond if they can accept the swap.
Alternatively email duties@pbsc.org.uk
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